Invitation from The Archbishop of Mbarara in the 2010s.
In the light of huge development of Cana, to allow a better formation of the local Cana Leaders, and make his Archdiocese benefit from Chemin-Neuf Community, The Archbishop of Mbarara The Most Rev. Paul K Bakyenga, invited The Chemin Neuf Community to consider founding a community in Mbarara. The Archbishop would like The Community to be involved in the students Pastoral work in Mbarara, especially the Spiritual formation of St Joseph University.
A “Humble beginning” for the community.
When The Archbishop’s proposal became real, a couple from Mbarara, John and Jane BAGUMA, attended the nine month formation offered by The Chemin-Neuf Community in Zaragoza, Spain from 2014 to 2015.
In 2018, The Community decided to launch a training Course for Uganda Couples wishing to enter The Community. 8 couples included the couple trained in Spain were involved in this community journey.
In December 2019, Father François MICHON, the General Superior of the Chemin-Neuf Community came for the installation of the first fraternity, in our community House, in Nyamitanga Hill in Mbarara.